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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

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Pipasa Glass & Jamini Young Seattle, United States
I was what you call a classic unconscious seeker
Rupantar LaRusso New York, United States
My love of spiritual poetry
Manatita Hutchinson London, United Kingdom
'When you perform for me, always choose devotional songs.'
Gunthita Corda Zurich, Switzerland
President Gorbachev: a special soul brought down for a special reason
Mridanga Spencer Ipswich, United Kingdom
Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
The day I made a useless and ridiculous weightlifting machine for Guru
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
The day I saw my Guru for the first time
Natabara Rollosson New York, United States
A spiritual name is the name of our soul, and what we can become
Nayak Polissar Seattle, United States
So much longing, for something
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Humorous moments with Sri Chinmoy
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
Progress-Pilgrimage: A 1200km run from Vienna to Paris
Shamita Achenbach-König Vienna, Austria
My spiritual search from childhood
Hemabha Jang Jeonju, South Korea
How I became interested in meditation
Abhejali Bernardova Zlín, Czech Republic
Sri Chinmoy's vision of the Peace Run
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No prior experience needed
Samalya Schafer Berlin, Germany