Journey Into Peace
Imagine a journey that began before time;
A journey beyond reason, a journey without end.
Imagine a journey...
We have travelled across the vast oceans of the inner universe.
We have words, but no sound; vision, but no sight; love, but no heart.
We are glorious intentions in search of unknown dreams.
On the edge of a mystical constellation, a world of surprise
Spins in a blue-green glaze of light about a pale gold star.
There is an anticipation, hope and joy pervading the expanses of space
As we come to claim our planetary existence.
There is music too – and it fills the heavens.
Time comes, passes, and slowly moves on.
There are promises and lemonade and nervous examinations;
Trees to climb and school parades; expectations, consolations, exasperations.
And no-one considers and you're never allowed.
There are days of play and bruises; tears and smiles and sound;
And questions with no time to explain.
Kites and bikes and heroes; and test flights and fear of falling another time.
And the music grows faint.
Time moves on, all so quickly.
There are images and places and colours cutting spaces;
Friends in need, the revolution and summer fashions;
All-night cafes and decibels processed in stereo.
There are global affiliations and nuclear winters and subway walls;
Departmental resignations, the war and famine; bangles and the beat.
And there are flowers in the spring.
But the music is barely heard.
Time has disappeared — lost in pursuit of misplaced sanity.
There are low-cal diets, high-yield investments and miracle wrinkle creams.
So many conversations, so few punctuations; and politics front-page;
Blue-rinse salons, retirement plans and insurance overdue;
And check-outs and weekends that come too late.
Old grey movies and hope that someone is still around who remembers.
And the river winds slowly to the sea.
But the music has vanished — lost in faded desires and unfulfilled dreams.
Imagine a journey...
It starts where the journey of our yesterdays left us.
A journey beyond the clouds, beyond the spill and pain of life;
Beyond the spoils of labour and our temporary smiles.
We are lifted into windless heights and forget ourselves for a moment in eternal time.
It is a familiar sound.
Listen, listen.
There is music — the music of peace.
Listen for a moment longer and you will hear it here on earth.
This poem was written just prior to Sri Chinmoy’s historic 1987 Peace Concert in Melbourne, Australia.
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